Via Bronzino, 3 - Milano



Tic tac - tic tac ..... when is the right time to choose the dress ??
Le fate Milano abito da sposa Milano

Tic tac – tic tac ….. when is the right time to choose the dress ??

What is the right time to think about the wedding dress? We try to understand it with you.

(By the way, starting today we, Sarah and Corinna, will be giving you our suggestions on this blog)

Given that the timing is very subjective and depends on different needs and circumstances for each of you, we generally recommend starting the search for the dress between 6 months and the year before the wedding.

We sincerely think that starting the tests before a year from the date of the event is a little early. Ideas and inspirations could change or evolve and so fashions and trends.

On the contrary, going beyond 6 months before the date generally leads to having to do things a little in a hurry.

It is important to know that the clothes of many brands, reordered in size, require from 3 to 4 months to arrive in the Atelier (depending on how the production of the garments is managed). To this must be added the time necessary for the tailoring tests and the adjustment of the dress (hem, small cups and small modifications)

The same applies to custom-made Couture dresses that are made in our case from internal tailoring, and that require a greater commitment with regard to the tests because they are literally “built” on the bride.

However, it is a good idea not to panic over the delay. The choice is vast and a dress to wear will be found in any case. It is obvious that the less time there is, the more the choice is reduced (for example only to ready-made garments)

In our personal experience, we have found ourselves repeatedly confronted with the problem of “time”. For example, brides who asked us for an appointment just 2 months after the wedding … .. In these cases the choice is limited to the samples, if available. The sale of the sample collection is usually within a promotion at the end of the season (ie before the summer closure).

The samples are the clothes tested in the Atelier during the sales season and that will be perfectly reconditioned. Generally they are in size 44 and this means that they can be tightened without problems but they can only widen a little.

For brides who, on the other hand, begin to look for the dress before a year from the date set for the wedding, it is good to remember that the new Collections arrive in the Atelier every year between September and October and therefore, with the exception of the brides in full winter, for all the others the advice is to fix the test for the arrival of the news.

The basic rule is not to get caught up in the anxiety of trying dozens of clothes and not entering the “test tunnel”, useless.

The test of the dress must be done with joy and tranquility but it must make you focus the lens. We must restrict the field without being swallowed up by a sea of ​​possible (or impossible) clothes of every type.

To sum up, before fixing the appointment for the choice of the dress, it is necessary to have clarity on these points:


Who has a very precise idea about the dress, like “I know exactly what I want and how I want it” must necessarily have a more flexible budget. The same applies to those who have a particular size that cannot draw on the samples in tg. 44.

The Flexible Budget allows you to have more choice and also to consider custom-made Couture, able to satisfy any taste and size requirement and, as a tailor made by our tailor, even time.

So, if you are demanding spouses, leave on time!

We hope to have been clear enough and to have provided you with useful help but, as always, for any question we are at your disposal both on the @lefatemilanofficial page and by e-mail on